个人档案<女|丧偶|1936年08月出生|属鼠|狮子座|身高:158cm|血型:A型|本科|汉族|宗教信仰:基督教|teacher|职业类型:教师、教育培训|平均月收入:2000 - 3000元人民币|户籍地区:湖南长沙|居住地区:湖南长沙>
女,1936年8月生,丧偶,身高158厘米,本科学历,teacher,平均月收入2000 - 3000元人民币。湖南长沙户口,在湖南长沙居住,有婚房。I am a good teacher that have teached a large number of students in a iddle school of Changsha city since 1958. There are senven people in our family, one son and two daughters, they are working in Changsha and have their own houses.I hope that an honest, mild gentleman, with a good economic status will become my husband. 征婚地区:不限。