个人档案<女|离异|1973年07月出生|属牛|巨蟹座|身高:160cm|本科|汉族|Business Analyst|职业类型:自由职业者|平均月收入:少于1000元人民币|户籍地区:中国/上海市/浦东新区|居住地区:中国/上海市/浦东新区>
Life is a time traveling. It is not about the destination, but the experience with full of thankness.
Enjoy both outdoor activities, tennis, badminton, swimming, beach volleyball. Strive to live a healthy lifestyle. As well as cultural scenes. Feel lucky to be one little creature in this world. Dream of travel the world with my partner.
Food is another important thing always. I am the chef need customer to try my food arts. Love to try all kinds of foods.
Looking for someone carry on the life trip with me. When we are at our 90yrs, no one cares about what we say. We still have each other argue about each every single little thing. No access to inbox. Try hotmail.